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to subside 意味

"to subside"の例文


  • to subside
  • subside     subside v. 静まる, やわらぐ, ひく; 腰をおろす, 横になる; 陥没する. 【副詞1】 The cholera outbreak
  • subside     subside v. 静まる, やわらぐ, ひく; 腰をおろす, 横になる; 陥没する. 【副詞1】 The cholera outbreak appears to have entirely subsided. コレラが発生したが, もうすっかり静まったようだ His rage eventually subsided. 彼の怒りも最後にはおさまった Th
  • subside into a chair    いすに深々{ふかぶか}と座る
  • subside into sleep    眠りに落ちる
  • subside into stillness    静かになる
  • subside member    subside member 副縦材[機械]
  • subside with rest    安静{あんせい}にすれば(症状{しょうじょう}が)治まる
  • allow the symptoms to subside    症状{しょうじょう}を消滅{しょうめつ}させる
  • bulge up or subside    隆起したり沈降したりする
  • subside after withdrawal of the drug    薬の投与中止{とうよ ちゅうし}によって(症状{しょうじょう}が)消退{しょうたい}する
  • subside as the body adapts to    体が~に順応{じゅんのう}するにつれて(症状{しょうじょう}が)軽快{けいかい}する
  • subside on its own    (症状{しょうじょう}が)自然{しぜん}に治まる
  • subside with relaxation at home    自宅{じたく}で安静{あんせい}にしていれば(症状{しょうじょう}が)治まる
  • war fears subside    戦争{せんそう}の恐れ[脅威{きょうい}]がなくなる
  • after other symptoms start to subside    ほかの症状{しょうじょう}が治まり始めた後に


  • tokusei uprisings frequently occurred during the muromachi period beginning with the shocho no doikki (peasant uprising of the shocho era ) in 1429 which took a long time to subside .
  • in order to subside inflation beginning in the tanuma government , sadanobu implemented the policy of simple and frugal life , controled public morals , and administered on an ultra-austerity budget .
  • after the rebellions , the conflict between the retired emperor goshirakawa and emperor nijo seemed to subside slightly but then flared up again , with kiyomori , who was the most powerful bushi at that time , gaining the position of emperor ' s regent by becoming godfather to nijo while his wife , taira no tokiko , became godmother , and he also became kebiishi no betto (superintendent of the imperial police ) and chunagon (vice-councilor of state ).
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