subside subside v. 静まる, やわらぐ, ひく; 腰をおろす, 横になる; 陥没する. 【副詞1】 The cholera outbreak
subside subside v. 静まる, やわらぐ, ひく; 腰をおろす, 横になる; 陥没する. 【副詞1】 The cholera outbreak appears to have entirely subsided. コレラが発生したが, もうすっかり静まったようだ His rage eventually subsided. 彼の怒りも最後にはおさまった Th
tokusei uprisings frequently occurred during the muromachi period beginning with the shocho no doikki (peasant uprising of the shocho era ) in 1429 which took a long time to subside . 室町時代、1429年の正長の土一揆をはじめに多発し、このとき勢いが衰えるまでに時間がかかった。
in order to subside inflation beginning in the tanuma government , sadanobu implemented the policy of simple and frugal life , controled public morals , and administered on an ultra-austerity budget . 田沼時代のインフレを収めるため、質素倹約と風紀取り締まりを進め、超緊縮財政で臨んだ。
after the rebellions , the conflict between the retired emperor goshirakawa and emperor nijo seemed to subside slightly but then flared up again , with kiyomori , who was the most powerful bushi at that time , gaining the position of emperor ' s regent by becoming godfather to nijo while his wife , taira no tokiko , became godmother , and he also became kebiishi no betto (superintendent of the imperial police ) and chunagon (vice-councilor of state ). 乱後、後白河上皇と二条天皇の対立はしばらくの小康状態を経て再燃するが、武士で最大の実力者となっていた清盛は二条の乳父となり、室の平時子も乳母となったことで、天皇の後見役の地位を得て検非違使別当・中納言となった。